Why would people want to take Vitality-4-Life?

Vitality-4-Life is based on a combinatorial nutraceutical that was developed to stimulate regenerative stem cells within the body to multiply, enter the blood stream, increase circulation, support a strong immune system, track to sites of tissue damage, and repair the damage.

Have you performed any studies in humans using these regenerative stem cells?

Yes, we have. We have used the regenerative stem cells in individuals with neurological, orthopedic, pulmonary, systemic, autoimmune, or cardiovascular disorders.

You say regenerative stem cells, aren’t all stem cells the same?

No, there is NOT a one size fits all for stem cells. There are multiple types of stem cells with different functions. The stem cell heard about most often are the mesenchymal stem cells, also known as MSCs. They were originally found in bone marrow and then within fat (adipose) tissue throughout the body and have also been found in the umbilical cord of babies. MSCs were originally described as a stem cell that would form cartilage, fat, and bone. Since they were derived from a mixture of cells from bone marrow, adipose tissue, and umbilical cord, they have also been ascribed other functions as well, most notably, they can secrete factors, in exosomes, that can modulate the immune system to assist in tissue regeneration, but have no direct role in the regenerative process themselves. Currently they are designated medicinal signaling cells (MSCs) by their original discoverer. Other stem cells are embryonic stem cells (derived from embryos) and induced pluripotent stem cells (which are genetically manipulated adult cells).
The regenerative stem cells that Vitality-4-Life stimulates, are natural adult stem cells actively involved in the regenerative process.

Tell me more about the regenerative stem cells.

The regenerative stem cells were first discovered back in the mid 1970’s by a researcher studying limb regeneration in adult terrestrial salamanders. Clear back to the 1700’s it was reported that terrestrial salamanders would not regenerate their limbs, which differed from their aquatic cousins, that would regenerate their limbs. The researcher asked a simple question “Why not?”. As it turned out the animals were kept under the same environments as their aquatic cousins, which for the adult terrestrial salamanders were starvation conditions. Once the environment was changed to optimal conditions for terrestrial salamanders, they regenerated their limbs perfectly fine. The key difference then was length of time for regeneration. Aquatic salamanders took approximately a month to regenerate a limb, while the terrestrial salamander took approximately a year for the same process to occur.
It was during this extended period for limb regeneration in terrestrial salamanders that the regenerative stem cells were discovered. The regenerative stem cells were in all tissues of the limb. After amputation, they became activated, migrated to the wound stump, and regenerated all the missing tissues of the limb, e.g., skin, dermis, blood vessels, nerves, muscle, cartilage, and bone, in the same exact configuration as an intact limb. And there was no overgrowth of the regenerated tissues, just an exact duplicate of the tissues that were lost.
Then the researcher began looking for those same cells in other animals, first in chickens, then in mice, rats, rabbits, humans, goats, cows, horses, pigs, cats, dogs, sheep, large birds, bears and reptiles. The regenerative stem cells were present in all animals tested and located in many different tissues and organs.
The researcher then wanted to know whether the regenerative stem cells were a single cell, or composed on multiple cells, each with a different function. Using a process called “repetitive single cell clonogenic analysis” individuals clones of regenerative stem cells, each derived from a single cell, demonstrated five different clones of regenerative stem cells.
The first clone would only form cells of the ectodermal lineage, such as skin, nails, hair, neurons, glial cells, melanocytes, Schwann cells, etc. These regenerative stem cells were designated as ectodermal stem cells or EctoSCs.
The second clone would only form cells of the mesodermal lineage, such as skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, five types of cartilage, two types of bone, tendons, ligaments, dermis, endothelial cells of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, blood cells, cells of the spleen, etc. These regenerative stem cells were designated as mesodermal stem cells or MesoSCs.
The third clone would only form cells of the endodermal lineage, such as pancreatic exocrine cells, alpha-cells, beta-cell, and delta-cells, lining cells of the lung, lining cells of the gastrointestinal system, etc. These regenerative stem cells were designated as endodermal stem cells or EndoSCs.
The fourth clone would form cells from all three lineages, e.g., ectodermal cells, mesodermal cells, and endodermal cells. This regenerative stem cell clone was designated as pluripotent stem cells or PSCs.
The fifth clone would form the same cell types as the PSC clone, but it would form two other types of cells as well, gametes (spermatogonia) and the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc (the only adult derivative of the notochord, which was the primary inducer of the embryo during development). Since this clone could form ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal cells as well as gametes and the notochord derivative it was designated as totipotent stem cells or TSCs.
The cloning from single cells was performed in cells obtained from chicken, mice, and rats. And all three species generated the same results: EctoSCs, MesoSCs, EndoSCs, PSCs, and TSCs. A large series of characterization studies were performed to determine similarities and differences between the five different populations of regenerative stem cells. It was noted that each population had a unique size as well as unique cell surface markers, that could be used to distinguish the different regenerative stem cells. And these characteristics were used with the other animals studied, as well as human regenerative stem cells. However, all the regenerative stem cells did share one characteristic, they were all telomerase positive. While all other stem cells present in adult tissues (e.g., MSCs) are telomerase negative.

How do regenerative stem cells differ from embryonic stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are derived from the blastomeres of developing embryos and are telomerase positive. Embryonic stem cells are pre-programmed to form all the tissues of the body and will do so unabated. In the womb, a normal individual is created. Outside the womb when transplanted into the body a jumbled mass of cells is formed, termed a teratoma. For treatment purposes the embryonic stem cells need to be induced to form a differentiated cell or cells before implantation to prevent teratoma formation. At that point in time the cells lose their telomerase enzyme. And an embryo needs to be euthanized to extract the blastomeres.
Regenerative stem cells are not pre-programmed. Rather they respond to local environmental cues to repair and replace damaged tissues. They will not overgrow the site of tissue replacement. Their normal default state is hibernation in a quiescent state. Regenerative stem cells need to be activated to do anything. Regenerative stem cells are naturally present in an individual from newborn to geriatric age to death and can be accessed using multiple techniques without detriment to the individual. Regenerative stem cells are telomerase positive and have a biological clock of zero until they begin to differentiate.

How do regenerative stem cells differ from induced pluripotent stem cells?

Induced pluripotent stem cells are derived from telomerase negative adult cells by the insertion of the Yamanaka factors, including reactivation of telomerase. This occurs outside the individual. The process takes upwards of a year to form iPSCs from the patient’s own cells. After insertion, they assume characteristics like embryonic stem cells. They will form all tissues of the body unabated, forming teratomas. They are missing the normal checks and balances found in the regenerative stem cells for replacement of damaged tissues. They need to be pre-induced to form a differentiated cell prior to implantation to prevent teratoma formation. At that point they lose the telomerase enzyme and assume biological clock of telomerase negative cells.
Regenerative stem cells are not pre-programmed. Rather they respond to local environmental cues to repair and replace damaged tissues. They will not overgrow the site of tissue replacement. Their normal default state is hibernation in a quiescent state. Regenerative stem cells need to be activated to do anything. Regenerative stem cells are naturally present in an individual from newborn to geriatric age and can be accessed immediately using multiple techniques without detriment to the individual. Regenerative stem cells are telomerase positive and have a biological clock of zero until they begin to differentiate.

Would you please explain what you mean by being telomerase positive and biological clock?

All cells of the body have 70 telomeres at the end of each chromosome. The telomeres are present to protect the chromosome during cell division. Each time a cell divides it loses a telomere from each of its chromosomes. Therefore, each cell has a lifespan of 70 population doublings before the cells are pre-programmed to die. 70 population doublings equate to a biological clock of approximately 120 years of age.
Before birth, all cells contain an enzyme, called telomerase, that adds a telomere to each chromosome during cell division to restore telomere number to their full compliment. At birth, all cells, except the regenerative stem cells, lose the telomerase enzyme and assume a lifespan (biological clock) of 70 population doublings.
The regenerative stem cells maintain the telomerase enzyme if they remain undifferentiated, meaning they do not form a particular cell type. In this undifferentiated state, regenerative stem cells have essentially an unlimited proliferation potential. Every time the regenerative stem cell divides it loses a telomere from each chromosome which is then restored by the action of their telomerase enzyme.

What are some examples of just how these regenerative stem cells work? Have you performed any studies in animals?

Four animal model systems were developed to test the function of the regenerative stem cells. Before testing, clones of PSCs and TSCs were genomically labeled to distinguish transplanted cells versus resident cells. We used a genomic label so that with cell division there would be no dilution in strength of label. Also, in the undifferentiated state the label was in the nucleus of the cells, while after differentiation the label was in the cell’s cytoplasm.
In our neurological model, Parkinson disease, we damaged the area of the midbrain (substantia nigra) containing dopaminergic neurons, waited two-weeks, and then infused labeled PSCs. In control animals (without regenerative stem cells) there was an absence of dopaminergic cells within the substantia nigra. In experimental animals injected with labeled-PSCs, dopaminergic neurons (containing the label) were present in the substantia nigra.
To damage the substantia nigra, we also had to damage the overlying cerebral cortex. In the control animals, glial scars were located along the needle tracks in the cerebral cortex. In experimental animals, labeled cells formed pyramidal neurons, glial cells, and blood-filled capillaries in the cerebral cortex in the areas of the original needle tracks.
In our lung fibrosis model, we damaged lung tissue by having the animals ingest busulfan, a chemotherapeutic agent routinely given chronic myelogenous leukemia. In control animals, fibrotic tissue was located between capillaries and alveolar sacs, diminishing the ability of the animal to breathe (a side effect of the chemotherapeutic drug). In experimental animals, new areas of lung tissue were regenerated, demonstrating labeling in both the alveolar sacs and in the capillaries adjacent to the sacs.
In our cardiovascular models, we damaged the heart recreating myocardial infarction. Labeled PSCs were either directly injected into the damaged heart muscle or transfused into the systemic circulation. In either instance, the labeled PSCs regenerated cardiac muscle, the connective tissue cardiac framework, and the vasculature that was damaged.
In our type-1 diabetic model, we developed a three-dimensional pancreatic islet organoid, composed of donor islets embedded within a decellularized pancreatic matrix, and covered with the recipient’s PSCs and then TSCs. By coating the donor islets with recipient’s PSCs and TSCs, they were used to protect the donor islets from the recipient’s immune system without the use of immunosuppressants. The organoids were shown the ability to secrete insulin in response to a glucose challenge, at a rate of 258 times that of normal islets. These results suggested that about 200 times less islet tissue was needed for transplant these 3-D pancreatic islet organoids compared to current islet transplant protocols.

Can you explain your findings?

For neurological disorders, we first tested the regenerative stem cells in individuals with Parkinson disease. The results from those studies showed that after transplant of the regenerative stem cells about 25% of the individuals progressed at a slower rate than before transplant, 50% remained in stasis, and 25% returned to almost normal non-Parkinson status.
We have since branched out and included additional neurological disorders, e.g., age-related macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, traumatic blindness, stroke, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In each disease examined, the individuals either remained in stasis or got better.
For orthopedic disorders we examined the role of regenerative stem cells on osteoarthritis of joints. Everyone treated with regenerative stem cells reported a loss of pain and increase in joint mobility after transplanting the regenerative stem cells.
For pulmonary diseases, we tested the regenerative stem cells in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Of the 53 individuals tested, three demonstrated stasis and 50 showed increases in pulmonary function from 5 to 50%.
For chronic kidney disease, which is a systemic disease, transplanting an individual three times with regenerative stem cells caused a restoration of their kidney function.
For autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus and celiac disease, the individuals were treated with both their own regenerative stem cells and regenerative stem cells from donors. Regenerative stem cells rescued an individual with SLE from near death, while regenerative stem cells from donors reversed the symptoms of celiac disease.
For cardiovascular disease, specifically after a myocardial infarction, regenerative stem cells rescued the individuals and restored their cardiac output to nearly normal for their age group.

Why should someone take Vitality-4-Life?

As stated before, Vitality-4-Life is based on a combinatorial nutraceutical that was developed to stimulate regenerative stem cells within the body to proliferate, enter the blood stream, track to sites of tissue damage, and repair the damage.
One of our cardiovascular patients had a massive myocardial infarction that rendered him with a cardiac output of less than 10% and had his name put on the heart transplant list. Since he was too fragile to withstand our normal regenerative stem cell protocol, the researcher devised a formulation that would give him similar benefits of a regenerative stem cell transplant without having to go through the regenerative stem cell transplant itself. Six months on the formulation his cardiac output rose to 35% and his name was removed from the heart transplant list. Six months later and his cardiac output is about 50%. He is still on the formulation. During this time period his family and friends noted an increase in the amount of hair on top of his head, a change in hair color from white to his original color, a loss of wrinkles, and increased stamina (from barely able to walk across the room to playing nine holes of golf).

Is there any thing that can adversely effect the regenerative stem cells?

YES. There are substances that will KILL regenerative stem cells, e.g., excessive use of alcohol, tobacco products, recreational drugs, chemotherapeutic drugs, and/or lidocaine. There are also substances that will alter the activity of the regenerative stem cells, e.g., caffeine in high amounts and corticosteroids. Any type of questions regarding the above statements or questions regarding other products interfering with the functionality of stem cells please feel free to email us.

Can I still use these products and get beneficial results from the regenerative stem cells?

There is a 48-hour window, 24-hours before to 24-hours after, for the use of these products that will either kill or alter regenerative stem cell activity.

Do you have any scientific publications to back up what you have said?

YES, tons of it!!! The research publications have been posted to ResearchGate.net for free download and accessibility to all. Search “Henry E Young”, 110 publications to date, 2810 citations, 25 publications submitted or in preparation.


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